Medication Tracking Help

Any changes to your medication plan as prescribed by your caregiver should be recorded in your medication records using the following guidelines:
  • If the medication you're recording is completely new, create a new medication record (see A. Enter a Medication Record).
  • If the dosage changes for a medication you're currently taking, edit the medication record's stop date and enter a new medication record with the new dosage.  For example if your new dosage begins on 06-15-2007, edit the old medication record's stop date to be 06-15-2007 and create a new record for the changed dosage with a start date of 06-15-2007 (see B. Edit a Medication Record).
  • If you are no longer taking a medication, edit the medication record's stop date (see B. Edit a Medication Record).
  • Typically you shouldn't ever have to delete a medication record.  The delete feature is available only for making corrections to your medication records (see C. Delete a Medication Record).

A. Enter a Medication Record
  1. Click on "My Account".
  2. Click on "Medications".
  3. Click on "Enter New Medication".
  4. Fill out the Medication Record form. Use the tab key to skip fields that are not applicable.
  5. Click Submit

B. Edit a Medication Record
  1. Click on "My Account".
  2. Click on "Medications".
  3. Click on the Pencil or the Date of the entry you want to edit.
  4. Make any necessary changes to your information.
  5. Click Submit to update your record.

C. Delete a Medication Record
  1. Click on "My Account".
  2. Click on "Medications".
  3. Click on "Delete" on the row associated with the record you want to delete.
  4. Click on "OK" to confirm you want to delete the selected record.